Discover why thousands of freelancers and companies choose Bitwage for global payroll solutions. Compare our features, fees, and flexibility.
At Bitwage, you can on-board how you like, as fast as you like. As little as 48 hours from signup to worker receiving their paycheck.
Allow your employees to enroll in crypto payroll during designated periods, making the switch seamless and hassle-free.
No registration fees
No yearly or monthly commitments
Competitive currency rates
Monthly fixed cost per employee
Monthly fixed cost per contractor
Direct Stablecoin payments
Direct Bitcoin & Crypto payments
Deposits only to limited exchange wallets
Same day payments
Non custodial
Trustpilot rating
Whatsapp support globally
Fast Response Time
Easy to Offboard
Dedicated acc manager that stays with you
Contract templates
Easily pay global contractor workforces
Pay Global Vendors
Last min salary adjustment
Recurring invoicing
Invoice multiple clients
Invoice clients off platform
60s to onboard new person
Signup to first payrun complete as little as 48 hours
Decade of proven track record with Global Payroll