Bitwage & Consultabit Launch Bitcoin Tax Calculator Paid Members Public
In January of this year, we partnered with Consultabit to launch a dollar cost average calculator, The goal was to educate new and mainstream users on the benefits of dollar cost averaging and investing in Bitcoin. The calculator has seen a 700% increase in users from April

Bitwage Launches Bitcoin 401(k) Retirement Plans Paid Members Public
As leaders in cryptocurrency payroll & invoicing services, we at Bitwage are always striving to innovate and push the industry forward. For our customers in the US, we have always likened the ability to get paid in Bitcoin similar to having a percentage of your wage be deferred into a

(Cointelegraph) [SPANISH] COVID-19: ¿Cómo pueden contribuir las criptomonedas al trabajo remoto? Paid Members Public
Desde Bitwage opingan que el uso de criptomonedas puede ser una alternativa válida para estos tiempos de cambios. ¿Pueden las criptomonedas contribuir con aquellos que utilizan trabajo remoto, sobre todo en tiempos de la pandemia del Covid-19? Desde Bitwage compartieron información con Cointelegraph en Español, que muestra cómo el uso

Why Bitcoin Payroll Will Lead to Mainstream Adoption Paid Members Public
There seems to be something standing in the way between cryptocurrency and mainstream adoption. Talk to any number of experts and they’ll tell you different reasons on why this is. But at Bitwage, we see Bitcoin payroll as the turning point for crypto (it's what we do)

US Companies Can Now Fund W2 Payrolls & Payroll Taxes in Bitcoin and Ether. Paid Members Public
Since Bitwage started in 2014, there have always been conversations regarding “Closing The Loop” in the Bitcoin financial cycle. The financial loop works as such: Individual obtains Bitcoin, Individual pays merchant in Bitcoin for goods and services. Merchant pays employees with Bitcoin. When Bitwage first launched, we wanted to close

(BRAVE NEW COIN) Bitwage reports dramatic growth, while expanding services Paid Members Public
Luke Parker 23 Sep 2016 11:57 UTC Founded in 2013, bitcoin payroll and international wage payment service, Bitwage, offers fast and low-cost payroll services, distributed in fiat currencies and bitcoin. The company currently has over 6,000 registered users and has processed almost $8 million in payroll transactions. The

(NewsBTC) Bitwage: International Payroll Escape Bitcoin Volatility & Liquidity Paid Members Public
JOSEPH YOUNG | DECEMBER 5, 2015 | 3:17 PM Freelancers, employees, expat workers and startups in developing countries such as Argentina, the Philippines and Indonesia often struggle in settling transactions with banking systems, remittance outlets and mobile payment networks. Over the past few months, bitcoin startups including Bitwage, Coins. ph and

(CoinDesk) Bitwage Now Lets Any Employee Get Paid in Bitcoin Paid Members Public
Pete Rizzo, Nov 4, 2014 at 14:50 UTC | Updated Nov 6, 2014 at 04:29 UTC Bitwage has announced the beta launch of a new service that allows employees and independent contractors to receive part of their paycheck in bitcoin, even if their employers don't offer the