
(Siamblockchain) [THAI] นายจ้างสามารถจ่ายเงินเดือนด้วย Ethereum ผ่านผู้ให้บริการนาม Bitwage ได้แล้ว Paid Members Public
By Wiput Watanasuptมิ.ย. 11, 2019 Bitwage หรือบริษัท Startup ที่ช่วยให้บริการแก่บริษัทต่าง ๆ สามารถจ่ายเงินเดือนบริษัทด้วยคริปโตนั้น ได้เพิ่มสกุลเงิน Ethereum แล้ว เพิ่ม Ethereum แล้ว เมื่อวันจันทร์ที่ผ่

( [RUSSIAN] Bitwage готова выплачивать зарплаты в Ethereum Paid Members Public
11 ИЮНЯ 2019 Компания Bitwage, которая занимается расчетом и переводом заработной платы в биткоинах, объявила о добавлении эфира в качестве возможного варианта выплаты. С этого понедельника компании, которые хотят предложить своим сотрудникам выплаты заработной платы в ETH в соответствии с налоговым и трудовым законодательствами, могут подать заявку в Bitwage. Компания

(Coindesk) Employers Can Now Pay Salaries in Ether Via Crypto Startup Bitwage Paid Members Public
Daniel Kuhn Jun 10, 2019 Bitwage, a startup that helps companies pay their employees in cryptocurrency, has added ether as a payroll option. Announced Monday, companies that want to offer tax and HR-compliant ether benefits can sign up to offer it as a benefit to employees. The company has been

Employees anywhere in the world can now receive their wages in Ether through Bitwage. Paid Members Public
Salaries are the oil that keep our global economy operating like a fine-tuned machine. Since 2014, we have been the leader in Bitcoin payroll and have been committed to growing the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Our goal was to close the financial loop. By that time, merchants were already accepting Bitcoin, but

(Bitcoin Exchange Guide) Bitwage Now Lets Salaried Employees Get Paid in Crypto While Remaining Tax Compliant Paid Members Public
By Gabriel M - January 16, 2019 Have you ever dreamed of paying your workers with crypto? While not the most popular option in the world in 2018 as the bear market was eating away most of the values that cryptos had, the option is still very interesting for crypto

(CoinDesk) Bitwage Now Lets Firms Pay Salaried Staff in Crypto Paid Members Public
Zack Seward Jan 16, 2019 at 13:30 UTC Bitwage is partnering with a payroll company to give more firms the ability to pay their workers in cryptocurrency. Revealed exclusively to CoinDesk, Bitwage CEO Jonathan Chester says the partnership will let more U.S. employers fund payroll, payroll taxes and

(KryptoKumpel) [GERMAN] Neue Partnerschaft für Bitwage: Arbeitnehmer mit Kryptos entlohnen! Paid Members Public
Veröffentlicht am 16. Januar 2019 Adaption von Kryptowährungen vorantreiben Wie coindesk heute berichtet, ist das Unternehmen BitWage eine neue Partnerschaft eingegangen um dem Ziel der vollständigen Krypto-Adaption einen Schritt näher zu kommen. Die neue Partnerschaft mit einem Personalverwalter aus Texas soll den Kundenstamm von 45 Unternehmen deutlich erweitern können. Was

( [SPANISH] Las empresas pondrán pagar a su personal asalariado a través de cripto gracias a Bitwage Paid Members Public
Por AIglesias - 16 enero, 2019 Recientemente el servicio de nómina de criptomonedas Bitwage decidió asociarse con una firma de relaciones humanas y de nómina de personal con el propósito de que más empresas puedan pagar a sus trabajadores a través del uso de los cripto activos. CoinDesk, el gigante