
( [POLISH] Bitwage: nowy system płatności dla freelancerów – jest Bitcoin Paid Members Public
Michał Korzec, Lut 18, 2019 Bitwage to start-up technologiczny, który zajmuje się płatnościami związanymi z wynagrodzeniami i wirtualnymi walutami. Ich system umożliwia klientom otrzymywanie lub wypłatę pewnej części zarobków w formie cyfrowych walut. Kolejną zaletą jest tańsze i szybsze fakturowanie międzynarodowe z indywidualnymi portfelami i kontami bankowymi. Teraz firma postanowiła

(CoinWire) Bitwage Releases Feature that Enables Crypto Payments on Upwork, Other Freelance Platforms Paid Members Public
February 17, 2019 Independent contractors in the freelancing industry are currently allowed by many platforms to use only one bank account. Aside from limiting freelancers to only use fiat, this can cause delays especially when employees work offshore. In order to solve these problems, Bitwage is launching a new feature,

( Bitwage Launches Multi-Bank Accounts For Freelance Bitcoin Payments Paid Members Public
Posted on February 16, 2019 Bitwage, a FinTech that enables professionals to be paid in bitcoin and other currency from their employers, is rolling out a new service for freelancers to more seamlessly be paid, regardless of which freelance platform they use. Reports in Bitcoin Magazine last week said Bitwage

Get Paid From Upwork, Toptal and Any Other Freelance Marketplace With Bitwage Paid Members Public
Previously, freelance marketplaces only allowed there to be one bank account per user on their platforms. In the past, we have offered pooled customer accounts to connect with freelance marketplaces, limiting the number of Bitwage users that could connect to the platform. We are now launching a beta for the

US Companies Can Now Fund W2 Payrolls & Payroll Taxes in Bitcoin and Ether. Paid Members Public
Since Bitwage started in 2014, there have always been conversations regarding “Closing The Loop” in the Bitcoin financial cycle. The financial loop works as such: Individual obtains Bitcoin, Individual pays merchant in Bitcoin for goods and services. Merchant pays employees with Bitcoin. When Bitwage first launched, we wanted to close

(CCN) 38% of Freelancers Regularly Use Cryptocurrency, Survey Reveals Paid Members Public
According to a recent Humans. net survey, part of which was covered recently by fellow CCN’s Joseph Young, 38% (385) of the 1100 people surveyed, all freelancers living and working in the US, periodically or regularly use cryptocurrencies, compared with 24% who had never heard of it before. 41%

(CryptoNinjas) Bitwage launches bitcoin payroll services for UK market Paid Members Public
MONDAY, JULY 3, 2017 Bitwage, Inc., the bitcoin payroll processing provider today announced the launch of its United Kingdom (UK) services. The company is now able to offer workers anywhere in the world the ability to receive wages in bitcoin from companies in the UK through local banking partners. UK

(Cointelegraph) Bitcoin Stability Depends on Level of Interaction with Conventional Systems Paid Members Public
By Iyke Aru JUL 05, 2017 Disruptive technologies achieve mainstream adoption when they become reasonably interactive with existing conventions. Despite its challenges over the years, through the various financial crises, revolutions, and even through wars, the US Dollar has survived simply because of its deep interaction with every aspect of