
( [POLISH] Bitwage: nowy system płatności dla freelancerów – jest Bitcoin Paid Members Public
Michał Korzec, Lut 18, 2019 Bitwage to start-up technologiczny, który zajmuje się płatnościami związanymi z wynagrodzeniami i wirtualnymi walutami. Ich system umożliwia klientom otrzymywanie lub wypłatę pewnej części zarobków w formie cyfrowych walut. Kolejną zaletą jest tańsze i szybsze fakturowanie międzynarodowe z indywidualnymi portfelami i kontami bankowymi. Teraz firma postanowiła

Get Paid From Upwork, Toptal and Any Other Freelance Marketplace With Bitwage Paid Members Public
Previously, freelance marketplaces only allowed there to be one bank account per user on their platforms. In the past, we have offered pooled customer accounts to connect with freelance marketplaces, limiting the number of Bitwage users that could connect to the platform. We are now launching a beta for the

(ihodl) Top Employers That Pay in Crypto Paid Members Public
9 November Dasha Fomina Longreads Editor Getting paid in bitcoin isn't unheard of for employees in the blockchain and crypto world. However, some businesses in other industries are starting to pay their employees in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. GMO Group Japanese Internet leader GMO Group announced late last

(PYMNTS) Uphold Powers Cryptocurrency Payroll Paid Members Public
ByPYMNTS Posted on March 13, 2018 In the developed world of workers in the United States and Europe, the ability to be paid in cryptocurrency probably would not add all that much to their daily life. It’s novel, of course – and the “ain’t it cool” factor might prompt

(Blokt) Cryptocurrency Could Make the Gig Economy Safer Paid Members Public
By Ali Raza - March 22, 2018 Companies are offering payment guarantees via smart contracts and hedging funds upon the completion of work. The times are changing. This sentiment is true in every facet of the economy. As technology creeps more steadily into every aspect of our lives, it enables
ANTONIO MADEIRA | DEC 22, 2016 | 02:30 The Bitcoin Blockchain has enabled millions of workers in India to receive bigger paychecks in Indian Rupees through a new partnership between Bitwage and Unocoin. LESS WAITING, BIGGER PAYCHECKS FOR INDIANS Indian Bitcoin exchange Unocoin has partnered with Bitwage in an effort to

(Bitcoin Magazine) How Freelancers in India Use Bitcoin to Increase Their Real Wages Paid Members Public
by Kyle Torpey 12.21.16 4:06 PM Bitcoin activity in India has been on the rise over the past few months, and a new partnership between bitcoin exchange, Unocoin, and payroll service, Bitwage, may help that growth continue. This new partnership is designed to allow freelancers or employees

(Fast Company) Why I’m Getting 5% Of My Salary Paid In Bitcoin Paid Members Public
03.26.15 BY NIEL DE LA ROUVIERE. THE FUTURE OF WORK An early adopter shares how he approached his employer about getting paid in virtual currency. I discovered bitcoin in early 2011. At first it was something that felt like play money and almost surreal. I didn’t fully