Building The Best Way To Find Remote Clients In The US & EU
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Finding good work as a freelancer or a contracting company is hard. Our mission with the launch of Bitwage ME is to make it easier for freelancers and contracting companies to get more jobs in the US and Europe. After releasing our payment reputation system, we have been listening to you, our users, on how to improve the service. The number one suggestion was a way to find and connect with employers far more easily.
This is why we are happy to announce the beta of Bitwage Jobs, our new Job Board aggregator. Right now, one of the major forums for people to find and search for jobs is reddit, yet there is no easy way to search for work on this platform. Instead, you have to figure out what are the right subreddits that people post jobs in and continually filter through all the posts until you find the perfect job post for yourself. The initial launch of the job board aggregates job posts all around reddit to make it easy for you to find work. With this launch, we also offer the ability to toggle “remote only” so that only remote jobs filter through the job board.
The next iteration of the job board will include two upgrades:
Added websites to aggregate from. For the next website, we plan to add twitter job posts to the aggregator. We would also love to hear from you which websites you think would be best to aggregate jobs from! Feel free to email us know at connectME@bitwage.com :)
Matching services: Users of Bitwage.Me who fill out their profile will have jobs filtered to their specific skill sets directly to their message portal. Instead of looking through lists of job boards, we will ensure the perfect match of services directly to your feed. As we continue to build relationships with larger organizations, we will also match organizations to you that you cannot find on job boards anywhere else.
Our goal is to make lives easier for remote freelancers and contracting companies, by being the go to solution for finding jobs, managing client relationships and streamlining the payments so workers can get the most out of their money. We envision a world where it is easy to find jobs, to build reputation on a platform regardless of whether you get your work directly from a client, through a staffing agency or on a freelance marketplace, and to get the most out of your payment with an incredibly fast and cheap payment solution.
As we are in beta, we would love to hear from you what you think of the services, of the planned features and what additional features you think would be good to incorporate!
Header via Ken Lund