(Siamblockchain) [THAI] นายจ้างสามารถจ่ายเงินเดือนด้วย Ethereum ผ่านผู้ให้บริการนาม Bitwage ได้แล้ว Members Public

By Wiput Watanasuptมิ.ย. 11, 2019 Bitwage หรือบริษัท Startup ที่ช่วยให้บริการแก่บริษัทต่าง ๆ สามารถจ่ายเงินเดือนบริษัทด้วยคริปโตนั้น ได้เพิ่มสกุลเงิน Ethereum แล้ว เพิ่ม Ethereum แล้ว เมื่อวันจันทร์ที่ผ่


(Letknow.news) [RUSSIAN] Bitwage готова выплачивать зарплаты в Ethereum Members Public

11 ИЮНЯ 2019 Компания Bitwage, которая занимается расчетом и переводом заработной платы в биткоинах, объявила о добавлении эфира в качестве возможного варианта выплаты. С этого понедельника компании, которые хотят предложить своим сотрудникам выплаты заработной платы в ETH в соответствии с налоговым и трудовым законодательствами, могут подать заявку в Bitwage. Компания


(Coindesk) Employers Can Now Pay Salaries in Ether Via Crypto Startup Bitwage Members Public

Daniel Kuhn Jun 10, 2019 Bitwage, a startup that helps companies pay their employees in cryptocurrency, has added ether as a payroll option. Announced Monday, companies that want to offer tax and HR-compliant ether benefits can sign up to offer it as a benefit to employees. The company has been


Employees anywhere in the world can now receive their wages in Ether through Bitwage. Members Public

Salaries are the oil that keep our global economy operating like a fine-tuned machine. Since 2014, we have been the leader in Bitcoin payroll and have been committed to growing the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Our goal was to close the financial loop. By that time, merchants were already accepting Bitcoin, but

Bitwage Blog

(Tap Chi Bitcoin) [VIETNAMESE] Top 10 ý tưởng ứng dụng Blockchain cho doanh nghiệp của bạn Members Public

Bởi Huyền Đinh - 03/06/2019 lúc 16:00 Blockchain đã tạo ra một tiếng vang lớn kể từ khi thành lập vào năm 2009 bởi một nhóm người có tên Satoshi Nakamoto. Sự rầm rộ của blockchain đã thúc đẩy các ngành công nghiệp lớn đầu tư vào


Why Bitcoin Payroll Will Lead to Mainstream Adoption Members Public

There seems to be something standing in the way between cryptocurrency and mainstream adoption. Talk to any number of experts and they’ll tell you different reasons on why this is. But at Bitwage, we see Bitcoin payroll as the turning point for crypto (it's what we do)

Bitwage Blog

(Null TX) Top 4 Ways to use Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies in 2019 Members Public

By JP Buntinx - June 1, 2019 Despite the obvious appeal cryptocurrencies have to the majority of the community, there are still a lot of people who don’t see the added benefits. While it is evident Bitcoin and altcoins are speculative first and foremost, there are other numerous use


(The Daily Hodl) Top 10 Blockchain App Ideas for Your Business Members Public

June 1, 2019 Ved Raj Blockchain has created quite a buzz since its inception in 2009 by a pseudo group named Satoshi Nakamoto. The hype around blockchain has propelled major industries to invest in various applications. Businesses have been rooting for this ever-evolving technological shift to integrate their existing business
