(CCN) 38% of Freelancers Regularly Use Cryptocurrency, Survey Reveals Paid Members Public
According to a recent Humans. net survey, part of which was covered recently by fellow CCN’s Joseph Young, 38% (385) of the 1100 people surveyed, all freelancers living and working in the US, periodically or regularly use cryptocurrencies, compared with 24% who had never heard of it before. 41%

(Coinlife) [RUSSIAN] Зарплата в криптовалюте по-прежнему актуальна для россиян Paid Members Public
15 окт. 2018, 14:09 Full article & Image taken from Coinlife.

(La Tribune) [FRENCH] Et si la « blockchain » supprimait les chefs ? Paid Members Public
Guillaume Renouard 29/10/2018 Full article. Image taken from La Tribune.

(The Cryptonomist) [ITALIAN] Dash sarà la Paypal della cannabis legale Paid Members Public
Fabio Lugano - 24 luglio 2018 Full article & image taken from The Cryptonomist.

(Forbes) [RUSSIAN] Мир на блокчейне: где уже применяется новая технология Paid Members Public
ТЕХНОЛОГИИ / БЛОКЧЕЙН 09.06.2018 08:28 Full article & image taken from Forbes.

(Coincierge) [GERMAN] Gehalt in Bitcoin, Ripple, Dash & Co? Paid Members Public
Von Patrik Eberle - 15. März 2018 Full article. Image taken from Coincierge.

(HNonline) [SLOVAKIAN] Ďalšia firma bude časť miezd ľuďom vyplácať v bitcoinoch Paid Members Public
Eva Moniová, MF Dnes 02.01.2018, 00:00 Full article. Image taken form HNonline.

(iDNES.cz) [CZECH] Hráčů přibývá: další firma bude část mezd lidem vyplácet v bitcoinech Paid Members Public
1. ledna 2018 7:01 Full article. Image taken from iDNES.